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A vintage + handmade shop

Apothecary + Candles

FAT AND THE MOON Love Thy Self Bod Oil


FAT AND THE MOON Love Thy Self Bod Oil


Apricot kernel oil contains a serious dose of Vit E, protecting the skin from oxidation (sun and free radical damage) right alongside emollient and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, amazing apricot kernel oil contains vitamin B-17, which helps our cell proliferation stay on the right course.

Jojoba oil, while technically a liquid wax, is hecka compatible with the skin’s own sebum- they’re like twinsies. Oil from the Jojoba plant delivers both the moisture holding properties necessary to the desert climate it thrives in, while actively balancing the epidermal environment to treat acne. Jojoba oil sinks right in without clogging pores since the consistency is so familiar to our skin.

Last but def not least is rosehip seed oil. I’ll admit to a healthy crush on rosehip seed oil. Vitamin A, C, and E toting rosehip seed oil promotes collagen production, which keeps the skin full and supple. Collagen is the substance that decreases with stress, time and wear and tear. Think of rosehip seed oil’s effect on the skin like the plot of ‘How Stella Got Her Groove Back’. Sun damage, dark spots, combination acne prone and flakey skin get a new lease on life with rosehip seed oil’s lovin.

The warming elements of the Love Thyself Bod Oil reminds us of the sensuality of being incarnate. Vetiver and clove essential oil make for a warm and earthy blend. The warming properties of clove make the Love Thyself a perf massage oil.

4 fl oz

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